Finding your first job after completing your teacher training can be an exciting yet daunting time. With new school terms starting in September, the anticipation of securing an Early Career Teaching (ECT) role adds a layer of pressure for the upcoming cohort of ECTs.
The government introduced the Early Career Teaching induction in 2021, a two-year programme designed to ease the transition into teaching careers following training. This program replaced the previous one-year Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT) programme, with a strong emphasis on professional development.
For many trainee teachers, the goal is to immediately embark on their ECT induction upon receiving their Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). However, for various reasons, some trainee teachers report finding difficulty in finding an ECT role.
Despite recommendations against leaving prolonged intervals between obtaining QTS and undertaking the ECT induction, there is no prescriptive timeframe for completion. This is reassuring for new teachers who may have been unable to land an ECT role before the school year, providing them with the flexibility to reapply in the subsequent year or as soon as new opportunities emerge.
For those fresh out of teacher training and looking to find your first ECT job, try not to worry if you have yet to find a role. There are alternative pathways that can not only enable you to still work in education but may also help you to acquire even more desirable ECT jobs in the future. One option is to consider supply teaching. While such placements generally do not count towards the ECT induction, they are open to those with Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).
At Opus Teach we have seen an increase in the number of teachers turning to supply before undertaking their ECT induction period. This path offers invaluable experience in gaining confidence, understanding different school environments, and forging connections across multiple schools. The experience gained through supply placements, where you can also gain a feel for which type of schools and roles work best for you, can enhance ECT applications for the following year and help early career teachers feel more confident and well prepared for the start of their career.
Read our guidebook on the benefits of supply teaching for Early Career Teachers who have yet to complete their induction period and how it can support future applications for ECT roles.
Click here to access our guidebook: The Benefits of Supply Teaching for Early Career Teachers
If you’re an Early Career Teacher considering supply before completing your ECT Induction Programme, we’d love to hear from you to find out how we can work with you to support your goals. Register with us today!